2026 date is Saturday, February 21st and into the 22nd for some!
Start/Finish is at the Whitewater Brewery Lakeside Pub, Cobden, ON, Canada.
All event RULES, DETAILS are in our BLOG, https://wendigoultra.blogspot.com/
Unsupported Event: This event is unsupported and involves travelling through remote and semi-remote sections of rail trail. This event is during the Canadian winter which entails cold, damp conditions and the possibility of great fluctuations in temperatures and precipitation types, ranging from above 0C and down to -45C, with snow, ice pellets, rain, wind, etc...
There is a MANDATORY Gear Check for all riders. We offer a Friday night Gear Check for anyone that has arrived in the area as checking gear the morning of the event (for the 200k and 100k) is not ideal. We typically check gear for most of the 50km riders the morning of the event, however it is early!
The route remains open to snowmobile traffic at all times. A mirror is a great idea. We DO NOT guarantee a groomed snowmobile trail.
MANDATORY Tracking for 110km and 200km: LINK to REGISTER with Trackleaders will be provided closer to event date. This fee is not included in event price.
Note: there is no hotel/motel in Cobden. The closest lodging is either Pembroke or Renfrew, about 20 to 30 minutes away. There is also the Whitewater Inn, in Beachburg, ON, 20 min from Cobden. There are also airbnb options in the area, including Eganville which is only 20 min from Cobden. There is also the Whitewater Inn, in Beachburg, ON, 20 min from Cobden.
Supported by:
MONTU Bikes and Endurance Apparel
RED PINE OUTDOOR Gear Store, Ottawa
Should you have questions, please feel free to email us at: wendigoultra@gmail.com